Sunday, September 4, 2011

Schwarzenegger orders third furlough day, calls for special session - Sacramento Business Journal:
Failure to pass a budgeyt by midnight Tuesday ups the shortfall to morethan $26 billioh due to the loss of education-related budget Schwarzenegger said at a press conference He also announced an executive order adding a third furlougyh day each month for statde workers though June 30, a move expected to free up an additional $425 million in the new fiscalo year. State workers will be furloughed the firsr three Fridays of each month except when they will commence July 10 and run for three state labor secretary Vickie Bradshaw said at thepresa conference.
Some workers, such as stat firefighters and the people who process unemployment claims, will be exempt from Furlough Fridays, Bradshas said. Although the governor called for the special it is up to the Legislature toscheduld it. When it will be held is yet to be Schwarzenegger will meet with the state controllerd and state treasurer later Wednesday to discuss a plan to beginn paying state billswith IOUs, and the governord said he plans to approach bankxs about honoring them. The governor also declarexd he will not sign any legislationh unrelated to the budget that is notabsolutelg essential.
“In the midsg of a budget crisis, they are debatinb cow tails,” he added, referrintg to a bill discussed in a legislative committee last week that woulr ban a practice of dockingcow tails.

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