They blame a recent snag in leas negotiations with the and the West Side medicak practiceGCAP ( ). Both are now adversariezs in a court case in which from thehospital group, citing numerousd contract violations. Among those alleged violations, as outlinedr in June 3 letter to Health Alliance CEOKen Hanover, was the “abandonmen of the Incline Project” by the Healt Alliance. The 30-doctor primary-care group has committed to leasing two-thirds of a 22,000-square-foort office building that’s part of the project’s first phase. GCAP is owneed by the Health Alliance.
In the weekw leading up to the lawsuit, it refusec to guarantee GCAP’s pending lease “The Health Alliance is only willing to give a limited guarante e atthis time,” said John Cranley, an investo r in the Incline Squarre project. “This is my language, not but what they’re offering is some form of a limited guarantee. We’re trying to get from them what that looks We have a financing commitment in subject to figuring this Cranley isn’t sure what impact GCAP’s lawsuitr will have on negotiations, nor is he sure when constructiobn will begin on the project.
A grouop of West Side investors have been pursuinga mixed-uses project on land surrounding the Queens Towerf high-rise since 2005. The latest plan involves $20 million in new construction, at the apex of a hill whered the Price Hill Inclineonce ran. The firsr phase is expected to includethe GCAP-anchored office 39 apartment units and a 5,000-square-foogt restaurant and beer garden on the site of the old WSAI radioo station. The residential and retaik components are separately financed from the office building.
Cranley said that could permity that portion of the development to break ground this GCAP remains committed to the project and is optimistic the leasew problem will be saidMark Rudemiller, a physician and boarrd member with the group. Rudemiller said 15 GCAP doctors are investord in the project and are willing to anchor the development with or without the support of theHealth “We can’t do it now because we’re stil employees of the Health Alliance. We can’t do it ourselves because we technically don’t exist at this point,” he said. “No bank woulf honor that.
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