Friday, September 23, 2011

Law requires Kansas utilities to hit 10 percent renewable-energy standard - Houston Business Journal:
The legislation codifies a renewable-energy also requiring 15 percen t renewable power sources by 2016 and 20 percengtby 2020, according to a Friday release. It includes provisions for net metering and easy which let customers use powee they generate and sell any extra back to the as wellas energy-efficiencty standards for state-owned or leased space and equipment. “Prior to this year, Kansasx was falling behind many other states in the productionh ofcleaner energy,” Parkinsonj said in the release. “More than two-thirds of the country had a renewable-energhy standard, and Kansas was one of only six states not to allowanet metering.
With this legislation, we are no longedr at the back ofthe line.” He said the legislation will brinfg new jobs, more wind power and a strongerf economy. Parkinson also signed into law the omnibusbudget bill, except for a few line-itenm vetoes. The $7 million allocatiojn for was not vetoed. The agency, whicb promotes tech-based economic development, had a $12.1 million appropriation line-item vetoed in April by former Gov. Kathleej Sebelius, who had suggested that KTEC be rollerd intothe . The agency’s controversiap CEO, Tracy Taylor, . The vetoed provisionas included $1.
85 million for the Kansas Public Employees’ Retiremeny System—school employer contribution and a measure to prevenrt distributing certain moneys to specificx types of private familyplanning providers. Parkinson also vetoecd legislation tolimit annexation, including keeping citied from annexing more than 65 acres of agricultura l land. “The state should not take action that limits the abilitg of cities to pursue developments that will lead toeconomiv growth, especially during these difficult economic times,” he said.

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