For the first quarter of the Indexjumped 0.4 percent to 76 on ACSI’as 100-point scale, according to the report released Friday by the . “Stockk prices have been real estate is showing signwsof life, consumer confidence is up, corporate earningzs are mixed but generally better than expectationz and inventories are becoming more in line with demancd and, above all, consumer spending rebounde d in the first quarter,” said Claes Fornell, founder of the ACSI, in a “It is too early to predicrt whether the recession has bottomed out, but since ACSI is usuallyg a precursor to increasing consumer it could very well be signaling a reviva for a very depressed US economy.
” Passenger satisfaction with airlinesx improved for the first time since up 3 percent to an ACSI score of 64, endingh a downward slide that began in 1994. DAL) improved 6.7 percent to a score of 64 in the wake of its mergefwith Northwest, while Northwest stayed near the bottom of the industryu at 57. Atlanta-based was flat with a score of 74 to lead thecablee category. Customer satisfaction with wirelese telephone service hit anew all-time high with a scorse of 69. But Atlanta-based dropped 6 percent to a scorseof 67. The report said AT&T’s succesws with the iPhone may have contributed to the declininbgcustomer satisfaction.
As the wirelessa carrier has attracted iPhonwe customers with more intensivedata needs, the strain on the network has created complaints about slow and spotty Customer satisfaction with energy utilitiesa is steady at 74, tying its highest level sincre 2000. Atlanta-based (NYSE: SO) fell 3.7 percenyt to a score of 78. Atlanta-based (NYSE: UPS) led the expresds delivery category with a scoreof 84, but was down 1.2 The American Customer Satisfactionn Index is a national economic indicatoe of customer evaluations of the quality of products and serviceds available to household consumers in the Unitex States.
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