Thursday, April 12, 2012

UnitedHealth agrees to settle N.Y. probe - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Under the settlement, Minnetonka-baserd UnitedHealth (NYSE: UNH) will pay $50 milliojn to fund the development of an independent database to be used to determinde how much health insurers reimburse membersfor out-of-networkk health care services. The database will be operated bya yet-to-be-determine university selected by the New York attorney general. A New York Attorneyh General’s Office investigation reported that databased owned and operatedby UnitedHealth'a subsidiary had understated marketg rates by as much as 28 percent.
“We are committeed to increasing the amount of usefuo information available in the health care marketplacse so that people can makeinformed decisions, and this agreemenrt is consistent with that approach and said Thomas Strickland, executive vice president and chief legal officer of UnitedHealth Group, in a statement. “Wse are pleased that an independent not-for-profi entity will play this important role forthe

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