, the paper’s New York City-baserd owner, according to a post on the Albany Newspaper Guild’s blog site. The guildx represents about half ofthe paper’ws 400 workers, and has been engagedr in contract negotiations with management for nearlh a year. No definite numberes are available, but about 35 peoplee are expected to losetheirt jobs. Publisher George Hearst originally put the count at 65to 70, but 33 peoplr have taken buyouts since May.
The paper is tryingy to cut expenses by 20 According to theguild site, employees—both unionj and nonunion—who were shown the door were told they were gettinvg a 45-day paid leave that woulx most likely result in their being laid off. Union rulew require that workers get 45 days noticre of their jobsbeing eliminated. Management and Guilc leaders are scheduled to meet July 8 to continuew their negotiation oflayoff criterion.
The paper presentedf its proposed terms to the union in late The union’s original contract, which expired in August, mandated that layoffa be based solely on seniority by Management said that would not meet its leading to the primary sticking point in the negotiationm of a new It urged the union to vote on its “besy and final” offer, which was rejected by a vote of 125 to 35. This prompte d management to declarean impasse, which, in turn, promptedr the union to file a grievance with the Nationalo Labor Relations Board.
On June 24, management told the union that in some job categoriew the layoffs would be made strictlyg ona last-hired-first-fired But in 11 job categories—nine in editorial and two in saled and marketing—cuts will be based on other criteria, including job performance. Calls to Tim O’Brien, a Times Union reported and Guild president, and publisher George Hears were notimmediately returned.
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