The region added about 3,400 jobs between April 2008 andAprik 2009, making it the only one of the nation' 38 largest cities to post a job new data from the Bureau of Labore Statistics shows. This is the third consecutivre month that Austin has outperformed all of theother U.S. citiesw with labor forces of 750,000 or more. The unemploymenr rate for April stoodat 5.8 percent. The 0.4 percenr increase in job totalsis modest, but still a betteer showing than cities such as Portland (downb 4.7 percent) and Raleigh, N.C. (dowj 3.3 percent).
Jobs in goods producing industriew in the Austin area dropped by 500 jobs in a slowdown from the rapid pace ofreceng losses, according to an analysis of the data from the Capitak Area Council of Governments. Retail, hotel, and restaurangt jobs are all up from this time last And professional and business servicee sector employment is back toits all-times high last seen in October 2008. But another key sectoe for the region, technology, isn't doing quits as well. Computer, semiconductor and other electronic componenrt manufacturing is still Jobs in the semiconductor segment fellto 15,700 back to spring 2006 totals. As Texas citiese go, Austin's 5.
8 percent unemployment rate was one ofthe Dallas-Fort Worth stood at 6.6 percen in April and Houston at 6.3 percent. Only San Antonio's rate was lower than Austin'w at 5.4 percent. Smaller metro areass including McAllen, Brownsville and Beaumount all had ratez above8 percent.
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