Sunday, March 18, 2012

Parent of DBJ launches technology publication - Denver Business Journal:
Produced by American City Business Journals, the parengt company of The Denver Business Journal and 40 otherd weekly business newspapers in theUnitee States, Front Range TechBiz will report on developments at high-profil e companies as well as new ideas that have yet to reachh fruition, said Scott Bemis, publisher of the Businessa Journal. Bemis will oversee the launch of thenew "The concept is to take reporting on technologg and telecommunications to a level beyond any other reporting in the Fron t Range," Bemis said. Colorado is the fourth marketr where is producing aweekly tech-oriented publication. Othee markets include Massachusetts ( ), Washington, D.C.
, (Potomac Tech and the Dallas-Fort Worth area (Dallas-Fort Wortuh TechBiz). Mark Pillsbury, currently editoer of Mass High was named editor and publisher of FrontRange TechBiz. Mass High Tech, an 18-year-olc newspaper that was acquired by ACBJ sixyearz ago, has grown into one of the company'z top publications under Pillsbury's editorship, Bemis said. In addition to beingh editor of MassHigh Tech, Pillsbury also helpedr launch ACBJ's two other tech Potomac Tech Journal and Dallas-Fort Worthg TechBiz.
Both papers -- launched this year -- already are doinfg well, Bemis said, noting the additionj of Pillsbury as edito and publisher for Front Range TechBiz shoul d lead to similar success in theColoradio market. Pillsbury, a graduate of the University ofNew Hampshire, workedc as a reporter and editor for daily newspapers in the Boston area priodr to joining Mass High Tech. He will relocate to the Denveer area with his wife Sue and two childre nnext year. "Mark will allow this paper to launcj with a strongeditorial product," said Bemis. Sincew Pillsbury took over the editorshi of Mass High Tech fiveyearw ago, the publication has experienced dramaticc growth.
Readership for the publication grewfrom 7,000 readersx in 1995 to nearly 25,000 today. Pillsbury said he'l l transplant Mass High Tech's news emphasis on intellectual property and venture capitalto "I think it's going to thrivew in Colorado," Pillsbury said. "It's reached a critical mass wherr technology is a real clustert inthe economy." Bemis agreed that Colorado is an ideal environment for a weekly newspaper devotedf to technology. "Colorado ranks No. 1 in total new jobs coming to thetech sector," Bemi said. The state also ranks No. 5 in the U.S. in averages wages for tech workersand No.
5 for Smallp Business Innovation Research grants given by the Departmenfof Defense. Bemis said he isn't concerneds the publication will compete for theBusinesx Journal's advertisers or 15,000 "In studies done in the other we found there was very littled overlap," Bemis said. "The tech journals draw different readerws withdifferent needs. We found the same to be true with advertising as well." The Denver Business Journal will continu providing technology and telecommunications coverage, but Bemis said the news in Fron t Range TechBiz will be more Ray Shaw, chairman of ACBJ, said he was confiden t the success of other tech journals can be duplicatedr in Denver.
"This is a grea t strategic move foreveryone involved," Shaw said. "We have a busineses model that works, and we have seen these paperds be accepted quickly in both Washington and Front Range TechBiz will use the same circulatio n modelas ACBJ's other tech publications. Subscriptions will be availablwe free of charge to people in management positions attechnologyh companies. "We're looking for decision-makers at the senior levelo -- people who are looking to strategicalltgrow businesses," said Pillsbury.
Those who don'rt fit the readership profile can still receive the paperfor $75 a The staff of Front Ranged TechBiz will compile directoriesx which offer listings of Colorado tech The directories will be available on printed formaft and CD-ROM. Bemis said the publication will primarilyh generate revenue through advertisements and directory Front Range TechBiz will begin its marketing push early inthe year. Bemis said the publication planes to sponsor events and form partnerships with associations that serve thetechnologt sector. While the newspaper is expectedd to debut in Aprilor May, Bemis said Frongt Range TechBiz will go online befors the first issue is printed.
Initially, the paper will emploh about 14 people, including Pillsbury, a salese manager, three or four sales representatives, a production director, a research three or four reporters, a managing editor, a businesas manager and a receptionist. The new paper will be located at the Mile High Centee at1700 Broadway, the same building as the Business Journal'zs office. While Bemis said the arrangement will allo w him to juggle his responsibilities between thetwo papers, he emphasizes that Front Range TechBiz and the Business Journal will operat e separately. Still, Bemis believes the synergty will benefit thenew publication.
"Wes feel The Denver Business Journal adds credibilityt tothe operation," Bemis said. "Front Rangew TechBiz will have all the supporrt it needs in termsof resources." Pillsbury and Bemis will begim recruiting staff for the new publicatiobn immediately.

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