Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hawaii hotels 64% full in April - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
percentage points to 64.1 percent. As compared with April room rates fellas well, down 9.3 percent to averagew $179 a night. Combined, the lower occupancy and room rates led toa 16.1 percenft decrease in revenue per available room (revpar) to $114. Whilew visitor arrivals in April fellonly slightly, therr was less demand for hotel roomse as more visitors elected to stay at time-share resorts. Occupancy, room rates and revpar for the four main Hawaiianj islands wereas follows: • Oahu occupancy fell 1.3 percentagse points to 70.6 percent, room ratexs slipped $17.25 to $147.64, and revpa dropped $14.72 to $104; Maui occupancy plunged 10.
6 percentage point s to 59 percent, rates declined $20.84 to $240.39, and revpar fell $39.954 to $141.87; • Kauai occupancy decreased 13 percentage points to 56.9 rates were down $14.98 to $188.65, and revpard was off $34.98 to $107.40; and • Big Islanf occupancy slid 4.4 percentage pointss to 54.9 percent, rates dipped $5.27 to and revpar decreased $11.77 to The Hawaii hotel survey was conductesd by and .

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