Friday, December 3, 2010

Cinnafilm lands deal with film-equipment giant - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Albuquerque-based Cinnafilm develops film andvideok post-production tools. The software ARRI will resell uses Cinnafilm’s video processing engine, calledd Pixel Strings. The software suitw has been renamedARRI Relativity. The companies have set an invitation-onluy product launch event for June 2 in the LosAngeleas area. In a news release, privately held Cinnafilm describedr the deal asa “multiyear, multimillion-dollar” agreement. The compant will provide ARRI with technical support and upgradea tothe suite, while continuin g to pursue independent research and development.
“Ouf agreement with ARRI is the culmination of over six yearsz of hard work and dedicationn by a small group ofexceptionall people, and we’re honorexd to partner with an industry leader,” said Cinnafilm CEO Lancwe Maurer. Germany-based ARRI’s history dates back to 1917. The companh is involved in all aspects of thefilm industry, from production and visual effects to equipment rental and film and sounsd laboratory services. Its products include camera systems, studio lightintg fixtures and digital imaging systems.

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